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Category Archives: reviews

hey guys!

just a quick admin note…

as some of you may know, this blog was started as a place to vent and rant on whatever it is that i would see in my life that needed venting or ranting on. i recruited JG* to come and rant with me and we became the “ranting children”. although we do rant here about anything from fashion faux paus to rabbit effing, we both have other things that we do write about in different arenas. so with that, i would like to highlight some of the other blogs that we either write for or have started so that you have the opportunity to read some different things from us.

ladebelle’s writings:

  • JG* Runs the City – on this blog i share with the world information on my workouts, nutrition, and different causes that i’m involved in and believe in
  • SH Collective – this blog was started by ainz neal and here i’m writing on fashion, makeup, and all things pretty for both men and women

JG*’s writing:

Hey Hey. It’s really awesome that Ladebelle and I have branched out and are really active in the blogging community. Y’all should be excited that you saw us here first and you guys are our first true fans. 🙂

  • JG* Runs the City – A blog dedicated to working out and getting fit for big races all for a cause. This launched Ladies Run The City and the awesome Ladebelle is a member of that network too! Ladies get fine in 09 and raise dimes! (oh yea!)
  • The Mogul Group – Major fashion & lifestyle blog started by The Mogul Group. They are the who’s who of Atlanta and I’m really excited that they asked me to get on board with them. I write about sex, relationships, current events and politics. I’m one of their feature writers.
  • The Fresh Xpress– The pulse of Young Black America. What started off as an “interesting” relationship blossomed into me writing community related blogs for them. Every now and then you may see a post on love & relationships.

we hope you guys have the opportunity to check out some of the other blogs that we write for and are enlightened as well!!!


ladebelle & JG*

**and now back to the regularly scheduled blogging**

so my crazy friends and i have started a movie club. i have some of the most eclectic friends ever and that’s what i love about them. so the first movie to watch was slumdog millionaire.


greatest indian movie ever... even better then kama sutra

greatest indian movie ever... even better then kama sutra

so a bit of history about this movie… it’s original release was as an independent movie for the artsy fartsy type. however, after rave reviews, the capitalistic movie industry decided to make this mainstream. it’s currently in the theatre’s but we hit the bootleg man up so that we could watch in the comforts of phil’s home. 

the storyline…

the story was excellent! it’s about how this young indian kid is on the indian version of “who wants to be a millionaire”. but the thing that makes this movie so good is that for every question he has to answer, there is some reference to his life growing up. this kid has lived a tough life so it’s interesting to see all of the references. more interesting then that is seeing the difference in culture and what types of adjustments have to be made in order to stay alive. 

the characters…

the main character’s name is jamal. he’s a sweet kid who is loyal to his family and his heart. he’s a hard worker and a little nervous. he’s fought his way to live an honorable life and believe in destiny.

his brother’s name is salim and this kid is a GANSTA! at the youthful age of 7 or something he was bossing people around and handling business. he is more loyal then what he appears to be and in the end, sacrifices his life for his brother’s happiness

litika is a girl that jamal and salim saved when their village was invaded. she grew up with them and jamal loved her since they saved her. they got separated numerous times but love continued to bring them back together

love and money… you have mixed them both

this movie was such a great combination of ruthless hardships and idealistic love. i won’t say that it has fully re-ignited my faith or desire for what they had in the movie, but i love the combination of it all. the cast and behind the scenes crew did an awesome job of making a witty love story that caused you to get so involved and attached to the characters. 

my vote

5 stars

yeah so this didn’t quite catch on last week but fuck it, we’re doing it again cuz we liked it!

ladebelle’s facts

  • i hate that time is literally flying… my weeks are going by faster and so are my weekends
  • i’m running off maybe 10 hours of sleep for the week
  • i finally got my business cards in the mail and they are so super hot
  • we taught the girls about the importance of friendship and i’m happy that i have really close friends that i can share my friendship with
  • after being tagged 25 times, i finally shared my 25 random facts about myself on facebook
  • i managed not to cry once this week or feel guilty about anything
  • i’ve managed to fall in love with yet another one of mr. smart guy’s master mixes
  • i got another client doing their fliers
  • i FINALLY got a chance to give myself a facial and deep condition my hair… nice…


as you guys know, JG* is flitting about in my great home town of NY so check her out on twitter for her updates cuz i don’t know if she’s gonna post her facts here!

Never fear…. I’m in this thing!

  • So I love  NYC. I don’t think  I could handle living here, but I love to visit. It’s like my second home.
  • I’m about to meet one of my sorors for some fun in Brooklyn. I’m a loser, cuz I love riding the subway. 
  • I have a love/hate relationship with the person I’m visiting. So far it’s been all love. Good times. We’ll see how long this lasts. 
  • I really wish I could go running while I’m here. But I’ve slipped on the damn ice enough to know better than to try. 
  • I think I’m going to cook my friend dinner tonight. I meant to last night, but I ended up meeting him in the city and when the driver dropped us off, I was to tired.
  • How cool, his company has a driving service. 
  • I have a lot of new stuff going up on the other blog, so y’all be on the lookout. Like the good Alpha’s at FAMU used to say “Be in or be out” (BN or Be out…Shout out to Beta Nu) 
  • I have some other business stuff about to explode, so REALLY keep a watchful eye on that. 
  • Overall I’m pretty happy about life. I’m broke, but I’m good. 🙂 

Love always. 


alright, now it’s your turn to share your week in review!




so i’m sitting here watching music videos and i was watching the S.E.X. video with lyfe and it inspired me to write this blog. before i continue with the blog, i HAVE to address one of these lines… ok, so how many women have heard the line, “if you really love me then you would give it up”? maybe it’s been so long since i’ve heard that shit that it seems ludacris to me! do people really say that shit? wait… something just registered to me.. lol… i’m an adult and we don’t say that shit…

ok, so now back to the regularly scheduled blogging…

i wish someone woulda saved me!

i wish someone woulda saved me!

so listening to this song inspired me to think back to when i lost my virginity… it was the summer before i started highschool. (yes,i was kinda young) i was working as a lifeguard and swim instructor at the center. everyone had started spreading rumors earlier that summer that i’d had sex with this person and that person but i was still a virgin. i didn’t understand why everyone was so infatuated with sex at this point in time cuz i’d yet to have it. i’d done the kissing and that same summer i’d gotten my first hicky. it was huge and blue and it was on my chest, literally. not my breasts, my chest… it was extremely hard to hide from anyone since i was always in a swimsuit. (this is when i found that footcream and toothpaste aid in the healing of hicky’s) this was the last summer that my family took a vacation together. we went to our normal vacation spot in jamaica.

as soon as we landed, the scent flooded my senses and i knew i was entering ectasy manifested. i had packed next to nothing. at this point, i was pretty damn small and wore the cute booty shorts, little shirts, and bikini’s. the first day we got there, we were out on the beach. it seemed like a daily thing for me to switch up who i was kissing. it never went any further then the kissing. that is until i met raymond young from florida. he was soooo cute! we kissed and then he invited me to his room. i went wearing these super short mini basketball shorts and a white t-shirt. he kicked his little brother out the room. we talked and watched some tv. then we started kissing. he started feeling me up and taking my clothes off. when we were both undressed, he went to his wallet and took out a condom and put it on. it was my first time seeing a dick and it looked funny to me… so he gets on top of me and asks me if i’d ever done this before and shook my head no… then he put it in. all i know is that i’m happy that he knew where it went cuz i didn’t! so it didn’t hurt and i knew that was a problem because i’d heard the stories. it was weird, didn’t feel good or bad, and was just so sloppy! he tried to make me ride him but naturally i had no idea what i was doing. so it somehow ended and i left.

that nite we went to club and i was drinking pretty heavily… he took me outside to the beach and we did some more kissing and he whispered in my ear, “you know, i still have 2 more condoms.” my initial response wanted to be, “fuck nah! that shit was wack the first time!” but my good sense kicked in and i said, “no, i’m still sore from earlier.” we parted ways that night and vowed to keep in touch. i threw his information away as soon as i got it from him and gave him fake info. needless to say, this first time scarred me and i didn’t have sex again for about a year…

so if u’s readers/commenters wanna reply with your first times, go ahead! have fun with it!



mistletoe… i remember as a little girl growing up, i always wondered exactly what it was and why in the hell everyone was kissing under it. now at the ripe old age of… well, that doesn’t matter. either way, i still have no idea what mistletoe is or why we now use it as an excuse to get it on under some parasitic green plant…

so, dear readers, i tapped into my old scholarly ways and did a little research on this because i’m sure that i’m not the only person who has no clue why begin making out out and getting hot and heavy when we see this little green herb suspending from some obscure fixture in the ceiling.

…the history of mistletoe…
so mistletoe grows on bushes or shrubs and it’s quite parasitic in nature. if you eat it, if then you’ll get really sick to your stomach. in fact, mistletoe kills trees… there are little berries on there called juniper berries that birds eat and shit out… ok… so on to the interesting things i guess.

why do we kiss under mistletoe? in ancient times, it was scene as a symbol of friendship and good fortune. so if two random (or not so random) people meet under the mistletoe, then the kiss and if two enemies meet, then they call a truce for whatever their beef is… isn’t that all so sweet?

…mistletoe now…
i remember getting mistletoe painted on my fingernails so that i could walk around to random cute guys and get kissed on behalf of the painted mistletoe on my finger. it’s funny because i don’t think that i’ve ever put up mistletoe OR kissed under it.

i think that someone should use some other parasitic plant that sucks life out of trees to hang up that symbolize lustful pleasure. it’ll have condom’s growing on it (for safety) and as soon as two people are under it, they have to get it on immediately. of course there should be some kind of guidelines for this plant… like if you’re straight, then you should probably make sure that you aren’t under the plant at the same time as someone the same sex as you. of course if your bi, this could make for interesting times. also, if you don’t have voyeuristic tendencies, you may only want to hang it in the bathroom or bedroom so as you’re giving the tour de crib-o you can get it on versus in front of everyone and your momma at the holiday party.

the trees can get it on... can their offspring help me too?

the trees can get it on... can their offspring help me too?

and surely i’m not the only one out there who uses the mistletoe as a way to get a little more action or would want another kind of plant for errr, spontaneous eruptions…

so good readers, will there be mistletoe in your holiday celebrations and would you buy the plant that i speak of?

xoxo (under the mistletoe)


i do cause trouble but i don’t bother nobody!!! lol… kinda

ok… so here goes my fabulous weekend in review… be prepared for lots of pictures!!!

…friday nite: 4dalove sneaker event…

for those of you who don’t know, i’m a huge sneaker head… well, i kinda love all things clothes, shoes, makeup, and car related… oh, and music… 

so friday nite my bestie terrence threw a sneaker bash that was oodles of fun… except that i will NEVER drink cognac again… nuff said about that… here are some pix from the event:


getting ready for the nite's events

getting ready for the nite's events


me and sav almost ready to head out

me and sav almost ready to head out




i do!!!

i do!!!


this drummer was bananas... he was at the FE concert as well

this drummer was bananas... he was at the FE concert as well




















JG* & ladebelle

your wild authors: JG* & ladebelle













art by joe stew

art by joe stew


























































because we party like some rockstars

because we party like some rockstars












…saturday nite: foreign exchange concert…

silly me, i lost my camera in the bottom of my bag and was forced to use my iphone camera (without a flash)…

so here are some of the highlights from that night:

we got there nice and early and had front row seats

we got there nice and early and had front row seats

one of the opening acts

one of the opening acts

another opening act with my fav drummer going hard

another opening act with my fav drummer going hard













my new girl crush yahzarah

my new girl crush yahzarah

phonte singing to me (sigh)... i was sooo happy when they finally came on...

phonte singing to me (sigh)... i was sooo happy when they finally came on...

phonte and yahz doing what they do best

phonte and yahz doing what they do best
















































so all in all it was an awesome weekend… shout out to mr. smart guy for coming thru the A for the weekend!




***sorry folks… ladebelle is feeling pensive, sleepy, and possibly delirious so this post is a little on the thought provoking side***


i think that this was one of the most influential books that i’ve ever read. mitch albom is a literary genius and if you ever get a chance to read any of his books, by all means do it!

to give a brief synopsis of this book, the main character passes away but on his way to his heaven, he meets up with 5 people that were a part of his life at some point in time and they share lessons with him. after meeting all the people, he then settles into his own version of heaven where he also meets others on their way to heaven.

naturally, this prompted me to wonder who it was that i would meet… i think that these are more the people that i would want to meet or just see again…

…grandma rose…

my grandmother passed away when i was 6 years old. during those 6 years, she had such an impact on me. my grandmother was far from the perfect woman but she was the best grandmother that i could ask for. after she past away, i really found it hard to find my place in the world. i always felt that my place was with her and she was gone. i never felt that anyone loved me the way that she did and i loved her through all of her flaws and beauty. she taught me about a nurturing that has stayed with me till now. i cook as a means of nurturing others and that’s how she did us. as hard as my grandmother was, she was equally as soft. for me, she represented balance… that’s something i sure could use now…


my grandfather passed away when i was 20. the lessons that he taught me in those 20 years are invaluable. i remember the one thing that he used to tell me was that first impressions are the most important thing. he used to say, “ron, you win them over as soon as you meet them. wow them!” and at 25 i’m still trying to. my grandfather had been diagnosed with different types of cancer and had been given 6 months to live multiple times. but he lived despite doctors’ diagnoses. he had such a passion for life. a zest to live to the fullest. sadly, i’ve forgotten this. right now i’m just doing things to keep my head above water, forget trying to enjoy it…

truth be told, i can’t think of 3 other people that i would meet in heaven right now. while i’m thinking on it, who do you think you’ll meet on the way/in your heaven?



i’m a shop-a-holic and i know it and sadly i love it (btw, can’t wait for the movie to drop)… so one of the main places that i get my fix from is ebay… they rarely disappoint and i can always manage to find things that i don’t need for waaay cheaper then full price. 


so here are some of my most recent finds:


cole haans with nike technology for $12.50

cole haans with nike technology for $12.50


enzo angiolini for like $10

enzo angiolini for like $10














cute white jacket for $10.50

cute white jacket for $10.50













and these are just some of the most recent items that i’ve purchased within the past couple days… yes folks, ladebelle has a problem but it’s sooooo good!!!

btw, if you guys need me to search out anything for you, shoot an email to and i’ll see what me and my shopping glory can do for you!!!




i’m not sure why i remember him, but i do… i knew him from either my pre-days at spelhouse or during my days there. either way, he made an imprint on my psyche…

who? his name is shaun king and he’s getting ready to launch the courageous church. this man has more ambition, drive, and potential then me, myself, and i put together. check out his blog from off my blog roll…

i digress… so shaun came up with this great idea to raise money to buy new uniforms for some inner city children here in atlanta. his children don’t go there but he has put so much love, effort and passion into this movement that his facebook profile got cancelled (bananas right?).

here’s a blurb from the website about this movement:

“Bethune Elementary School has an amazing staff and a wonderful student body made up of some of the poorest, brightest children you have never heard of. 

These kids are amazing. Over 98% of the Bethune students live at or below the national poverty level and the overwhelming majority of these babies live in homes and apartments that are so dilapidatedand unstable that you would besurprised that people are still allowed to live that way in 2008. This isn’t play poverty – this is the real deal!

The Blessing.
And the blessing is that you have an opportunity TODAY to be abright spot in the lives of these children. This Christmas, we want every single child (about 500 students) in this school to have aNEW SCHOOL UNIFORM and aFUN TOY to call their own. If YOUdon’t help, many of these kids simply won’t receive anything at all this Christmas, but we believe that God is going to use you to be a blessing to these beautiful children. ”





need to see more?


we only have until december 2nd to make these kids dreams coming true so please, do what you can.

interested in the cause? click here for more details.


i found out recently that there were some iphone sites that featured my first blog on my iphone, entitled, “my new toy” so i wanted to do a follow up from that post since my app game has significantly increased.



so here’s a review of some of my most recently added (and loved) iphone apps:




Jott is a note taking app that transcribes voice notes into written notes, allows you to send SMS texts or emails to people via your voice, and you can even set reminders to be emailed or text to you. 









Say Who

Say Who


Say Who is a voice dialer that is absurdly accurate with it’s dialing. one of the main things that i missed about my crackberry was the ability to dial people via voice… especially when i was driving. i would never want to be the awful driver who is causing traffic or accidents because of my inevitable search for someone to talk to as i drive. 





Tranquil Alarm

Tranquil Alarm

Tranquil Alarm offers all those who normally use their cell phones as alarms a nicer option to that of the normal, scare-you-awake alarm sounds out there. not only is there an alarm to wake you up, but there is also a function that allows you to fall asleep to the sounds of a tropical rain forest or thunderstorms or whatever your fancy! this is great for all you insomniacs like myself!






Palringo allows those (like me) who IM on more then one messenger service the ability to use all these different services on one platform. similar to trillian or meebo, palringo allows you to be signed in to yahoo, msn, aim, google talk and more all at the same time. coolest thing is their most recent update made it so it runs in the background for a bit of time before signing you out.






Petals (for women only)

Petals (for women only)

Petals offers a discrete, yet efficient, way for women to track when aunt flow gets to stomping… i recently had an appointment for lady town and the doctor was quite impressed when i whipped out my trusty iphone and was able to tell him all my recent cycles… this is also a great tool to forecast when your next period will be here and possibly when you ovulate. 







Moods is one of my most favorite apps because i’m not the greatest at emoting or saying how i feel. i love this app because it has vibrant smileys that have feelings/emotions under them to help you sort out your own. best of all, it gives you a place to justify y you feel a certain way. even better is that it tracks your moods daily and monthly so you can look back and see just how you’ve been feeling. 









hiCard is probably the cutest app out there. this nifty little program allows you to send trendy and stylish e-cards. the cards range from “sorry” to “happy birthday” and everything in between. i’ve sent a couple of these out and people have always been quite appreciative of receiving them. you can input your own message and everything! only drawback is that you have be connected via wiFi in order for it to go through.



naturally i have more apps then this but these are some of my most used and favorites… i hope you guys enjoy these tidbits though!

please share some of your favorite apps with us!


