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Tag Archives: spelman

so i took the week off from work this week and took today to visit some of the people that i’ve neglected to visit due to the wicked contraints of my blasted 9-5. one of my life mentors is a professor at cau and morehouse so i decided that today would be the perfect day to visit him.

i was running late to his class (smh at myself because it was an 11am class) so i ended up meeting up with him for his noon class. but walking on campus during the day brought back so many memories. amazing how less then 5 years ago i was one of these bright eyed and bushy tailed (figuratively, definitely not literally) students that was anxiously awaiting entering the “real world”. i spent alot of time on all three campus’ and have so many memories.

i tell you this much… it feels good to take a step back in time. it seems i’ve always been in a rush to get through every phase of my life and i never quite had the “ambition” to just enjoy what i was going through. now that i’m older, wiser, and more mature, i wish i had enjoyed this part of my life more…

so i ask you guys this, what are some times that you look back on and wish you had enjoyed a little more instead of rushing?




i didn’t attend homecoming last year and maybe that’s a good thing because i think that it made me all the more appreciative of what this homecoming had to offer… and at the end of the day this is what i have to say…

I LOVE SPELMAN!!!! (and morehouse and the rest of the AUC)

while i was at spelman, i don’t think that i fully appreciated all that it had to offer nor did i appreciate all the beautiful, smart, and talented people that i was surrounded by… i have sisters all up and through every law school from john jay to harvard to emory and i have morehouse brothers that are MY AGE and running for positions in the senate, congress, etc. i am a part of a tradition that is soooo grand and now i’m finally able to really appreciate what that means.

ok… so now that i’ve done the mushy shit, on to the weekend in review…


oh i’m so wishing i had just taken friday off all together! my friday night started with a birthday party (for which i did the invitations) for one of my really good friends. after sav and i engorged ourselves in free wine, good times, and lots of love, we hit up a breast cancer awareness art show @ MARKED tattoos (these are the people that do all my work including what serves as my picture here). it was a beautiful show! there were a couple of local artists featured and it was really awesome… while there, not only did sav and i enjoy being surronded by the beauty of the art, but we also enjoyed to beauty of the free spirits (wink wink)…

after leaving there, we went to our intended destination on black love (though not everyone was feeling the love as there was the beginnings of a fight before we even entered). for $30, i got my money’s worth of this party… of course for me the best part was seeing all of the people that i hadn’t realized i missed till then (shout out to sheronda and jonathan on their engagement!!!). i saw sets of twins i hadn’t seen in forever, new mothers, newly weds, all my girls (and guys)!!! it was soooo awesome!!!

and then sav and i did the only thing that you do once u leave the club inebrieated… we hit up good ole waffle house!!! yes lawd!!! gotta love it!


this is the day that sav and i found out that in order to get over a hangover, you should just drink more! my first couple of tailgates i was sober and now i understand why everyone drinks during this time… i mean, it was really ridiculous! it’s a good thing we were outside because the fire marshall would have broken that shit up a long time ago!

i think that the video that i made kinda sums up this day so i’ll post that later on today… carnell said it best… alcohol + videocamera = vertigo so beware!

saturday night was a mellow night that i needed but was unwelcomed… i wanted to party hard but instead i ended up gulping down hella mimosa’s to deal with the disappointment… but then me, sav, and mene went to lucky buddah or golden buddah on 10th and encountered a one yung joc (sp?) who was just so cute!!!

ok… so that pretty much concludes the weekend… sunday i was trying to rehydrate because the only thing i drank was alcohol…

to all my spelhouse homies reading this, I MISS YOU GUYS AND CAN’T WAIT TILL NEXT YEAR!!!

p.s. feel free to post pix here if you have them!

