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Tag Archives: family

i don’t agree with the origins of this holiday, or most for that matter, but thanksgiving is definitely my favorite holiday. why right? i mean, there are no presents, no decorations, or much that superficially differentiates this holiday from the regular old sunday get togethers. nonetheless this is my favorite holiday and here’s why…

thanksgiving offers freedom from seeing your family with the pretense and pressures of gifts. i remember last year for christmas i asked my kid cousin what she wanted and this lil heffa girl said juicy couture this and LV that… she got my mere presence as her present. anywho, it’s this materialism that really subtracts from the holiday.

yup... this is how i gets down

yup... this is how i gets down

i love thanksgiving because it’s really a time for you to share in the spirit of family and love. there is no pressure for gift giving outside of love and nurturing… and that’s really what i love…

almost there!

almost there!

this year, my mom moved to myrtle beach… we packed our car and our friend moks up and drove up here to be with my mom. granted, she’s acting like a slave driver since we’ve been here, but the smells that i woke up to surrounded me with love… the turkey’s scent tantilizing my taste buds and enticing my notrils making it so hard to wait until 3pm to eat. and then fall asleep. and then eat some more…

i love thanksgiving!!!

family makes all the difference

family makes all the difference

i hope that you have a great day and enjoy the spirit of thanksgiving with your loved ones…



